July 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile

The beginning of July starts with Saturn making its final retrograde return to Capricorn, where the taskmaster planet will stay until December 1st. We’ll have a chance to revisit the themes of the past 3 years of Capricorn in Saturn, allowing us to take a critical look at our work life and the need to take realistic action towards our goals. The final eclipse of the season occurs on July 5th in Capricorn, forming a lovely trine between earth signs. This full moon will be far more gentle compared to the last two lunations, and will bring in new experiences and unexpected but potentially positive revelations. 

Mercury will turn direct in Cancer on July 12th, giving us a small reprieve from the heavy retrograde energy present this summer. The New Moon in Cancer on July 20th will be our final deep dip into the nesting energy of Cancer before Leo season begins soon after, giving us a little more fire and lightening the mood away from introspection towards extroversion.

For more one-on-one insight, or to book an Astro Poet, get in touch.


Ace of Cups

True love is a breath of fresh air. You will sense it in subtle moments, as it flows without thought between people in union, whether romantic or platonic. Pay attention to the words that are unspoken yet somehow related. That feeling will guide you.


Wheel of Fortune

Don’t let the endless changing of events keep you down, dear Taurus. While things might be a bit up in the air, let yourself enjoy the excitement of not quite knowing where things will land for the time being. Instead, focus on what you can learn about the madness.


6 of Swords

You are making your way towards safer shores, whether or not you acknowledge the journey at hand. Reach out for a hand, ask for directions if you need them. It’s the connections we make during times of transition that often outlast the transition itself.


Knight of Cups

Your creative nature is your greatest asset right now. Follow its whisper, and let it guide you towards a solution. Make the time to let your mind wander, and don’t hold back the impulse to write, to sing, or to sculpt your new world.


Page of Pentacles

Focus your efforts this month, dear Leo. Create a daily practice for yourself, and approach each day with an open mind. The more willing you are to learn and grow within your practice, the more you will reap the benefits of your work.


9 of Cups

You are what you give, and this month asks that you share in your wealth of happiness and joy. Now is the time to take stock - what do you no longer need, and how can it benefit others? Emotion flows best when shared without thought of compensation.


Knight of Swords

Have you been doing the work, Libra? The universe is asking that you get going with your plans, urging you not to drag your feet. There is no time like the present to make necessary changes to your life and frame of mind.


King of Swords

All year long, the universe has been asking you to share your truth, Scorpio. This month, your leadership comes into sharper focus, allowing you to sharpen your mind and sort out the details of plans that perhaps once seemed far fetched but are now within reach. 


5 of Cups

There’s no use focusing on the disappointments of the past. Even though life has thrown you some unexpected challenges recently, remember to turn your gaze towards what is going right this month. You have much to be grateful for, so reach out if you need support. 


4 of Pentacles

Question your assumptions around work and money this month, dear Capricorn. You may need to adjust, downsize or to rethink your strategies around finances in order to find a better balance. Your need to work doesn’t need to outweigh your enjoyment of life. 



Balance your need to communicate your truth this month, and remember that all people have their own unique experiences. Weigh your words carefully, and consider the importance of rules and boundaries within your relationships.


2 of Pentacles

Keep bending with the changing tides, dear Pisces. You are an expert when it comes to psychic flexibility, so listen to how your intuition is telling you to move and act accordingly. This is a time to enjoy the mysterious surprises that the universe has in store for you.


Thoughts after 7/4/2020


June 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile