Astro Poetica December 2019 Tarotscopes by Christine Aprile
Let all the Sagittarius energy fuel you this month, friends! On December 2, when Jupiter leaves its home sign where it’s been since November 2018, and shifts into earthy Capricorn until December 19, 2020. Parties, ambitions, truth telling, and charting a new course for this swiftly approaching new decade.
5 of Cups
It’s not your job to figure out anyone else’s problems, so turn your attention back to your own emotions. Return to situations and people that give you a sense of home. Sometimes feeling safe and secure in your own energy is the answer.
7 of Pentacles
In this moment you are being asked to be present with your work. Don’t allow the fear of the outcome to infringe upon your actions. Be here now and allow the work to unfold within its own timeline.
Wheel of Fortune
You are being asked by the universe to locate and focus on what you truly desire. Do your actions reflect your desired outcomes, or are you engaged in self sabotage? You’re the only one who can tell you what to do.
8 of Pentacles
Embrace your productive spirit and trust that your past actions are about to pay off. To truly master a skill, dedication, patience and practice must be cultivated. Trust that you’re about to reap what you have sewn.
Peace can be found anytime, any place, and under any circumstance. Close your eyes and allow it to enter your being. Meditation is crucial right now. You need to turn off your “monkey mind” so you can focus on the big picture.
Queen of Swords
There is a thin line between protection and rigidity. Trust that you will know when to soften your heart to others. Boundaries are positive and healthy as long as they don’t become walls to hide behind.
5 of Pentacles
Within your anger, resistance or anxiety is a part of yourself that you deny. Look deeper, beyond the surface of your feelings and find the root cause. Are you giving your power away? Let go of the fear and find your power in this present moment.
9 of Pentacles
You have worked hard for this, Scorpio. You’re dedication is finally beginning to pay off, and it's time to invest in the future that you long for. Give yourself a much needed break and enjoy this moment of plenty.
7 of Swords
Have you been lost in an endless scrolling wormhole, unable to see how your actions (or lack thereof) are undermining your plans? It’s time to be real with yourself and put your will and mind to good use. Resist the urge to cut corners and above all be truthful.
4 of Swords
Rest dear Capricorn. Unwind the tension from your shoulders and neck, close your eyes and breath deeply. You’ve earned this reprieve. Everything you need can be inside of you, so tune in and listen.
King of Cups
Do not fear the depths of your emotions, Aquarius. There is gold buried in the deepest parts of your heart, waiting to be winnowed and shared with those you love. Your community and loved ones will be strengthened by the gifts you share from the adventure.
3 of Pentacles
Align yourself to your cause, dear Pisces. By bringing together your intellect, creativity and purpose, the path ahead becomes clear and a plan takes shape. Call in whatever help you need and get to work!